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Matte Tigers Eye & Onyx Mini Begleri

Matte Tigers Eye & Onyx Mini Begleri

Regular price $35.00 AUD
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The Begleri - Originating in Greece in the 1960s and deriving from the Komboloi - it is a similar skill toy / fidget device to the Komboloi(Worry Beads) but with less beads and strung differently - not in a loop like a Komboloi.

Although generally made with larger beads, The Mini Begleri series features 8 x 10mm beads - used the same just more compact. 



The name comes from the Latin word onyx which means ‘claw’.  It is known a as the stone of self control.  It is a useful stone in times of confusion.

It is usually found in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Madagascar and Germany.

Tiger’s Eye:

The Stone of Protection and Confidence. An amulet of this stone provides confidence in one’s own ability to cope with life’s difficulties and struggles.  It is said to strengthen willpower and resolve whole protecting the wearer and bringing them luck. 

It can be found in South Africa, Nambia, Australia and Thailand


Material: Tigers Eye & Onyx (Matte)

Bead Count: 8  

Bead Size: 10mm

Cord:  Black

Weight: 15g


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